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We need to know from you who the best lawyers are and why. So please let us know who you would recommend and who you would not.

Our goal is to assist you, all clients and the profession in finding the good lawyers and weeding out misfits, thereby improving the service and the experience for all who are forced to deal with the law.

CanLaw makes this type of information available to all for a good reason. Individuals do not usually have the resources to issue nationwide press releases or use the other tools various lobby and interest groups have. We want to help "level the playing field" for all comers

Just because you lost your case in court is not by itself grounds for a complaint. CanLaw will not adjudicate complaints.


File your own lawyer complaint about any lawyer with your local law society. Click here for your provincial Law Society and follow up with them.


Know that generally none of the law societies will do anything to help you. They are in effect, lawyers' unions. .


Lawyer Compliments,

Complaints, Ratings and References

"What's the point of havin' a rapier wit

 if I can't use it to stab people?"

  - Jeph Jacques

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