$150 year
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If You Plead Guilty To Impaired Driving this is what will result:
Criminal conviction and criminal record for life.
Record of fingerprints & photographs at the RCMP and your local police department
Driver’s license suspension for 1 full year minimum
Very high fines (thousands of dollars)
Installation of an breath testing ignition interlock system in your vehicle for 1 year at your expense
Required to take a driver training program before getting your license back.
Car insurance premiums starting at $10,000 year for 3 years or longer.
Foreign travel restrictions. You will require a US waiver to enter the US and many other countries
You will want to apply for a pardon as soon as possible.
Source Stats Canada
Here are the basics:
A conviction for either impaired operation, over 80 mg, or refusal to provide a breath sample results in:
Minimum DUI fine or jail
$600 fine for a first offence,
Minimum 14 days jail for a second offence
Minimum of 90 days in jail for a third offence
A Criminal Code driving prohibition will be imposed by the Court forbidding operation of a motor vehicle anywhere in Canada for at least one year.
Minimum automatic driver's licence suspension upon conviction of 1 year for a first offence,3 years for a second offence, lifetime for a third offence.
Driver's Course and fee required for licence reinstatement.
Installation of an breath testing ignition interlock system is mandatory after reinstatement. You must breathe into the machine before the car will start. So must your family members and any one else who uses the car.
Automatic administrative licence suspension for 90 days immediately upon charge and arrest.
If you drive while suspended you face very stiff penalties. and since your insurance will be cancelled, you face a minimum $5000 fine for driving without insurance.
Lay Person's Guide To The Canadian Criminal Prosecution Process
This is not legal advice, it is information
Domestic Violence. Family Law, Bail Hearings & Reviews Estreatment Hearings Murder & Manslaughter Assaults & Robbery Break & Enter, aggravated assault, police officers,
, Theft & Possession Fraud & Forgery Drug Offences Impaired & Dangerous Driving Sex Offences Failure to Comply Breach of Probation Destruction of Fingerprints Destruction of Photographs Pardons Sex Offences Notarizing Documents Commissioning Documents Youth Criminal Justice Act