Credit Problems? How to legally reduce or eliminate all your debts.
Identity Theft Is Real
Yes, identity theft can happen to you. All the credit fraud thieves need to get credit cards loans in your name, even a mortgage on your house is your name, address, DOB and SIN to run up thousands in debt in your name. Use a shredder. Destroy anything with your name on it.
About 6,000 Canadians Have Their Identity Stolen Each Year
Identity Theft: How To Protect Yourself And Your Credit
Thieves retrieve your garbage looking for bills, statements and other useful information.
Identity Theft can cost you everything you own.
Never throw out anything with your name on it.
Buy and use a shredder for everything you throw out.
FRAUD ALERTS: If your identity is stolen;
Request that the credit bureau attach a fraud alert to your file. A fraud alert is a red flag on your credit report which will identify you as a potential fraud victim to credit granters.
What is identity theft?
"Identity theft involves acquiring key pieces of someone's identifying information in order to impersonate them and commit various crimes in that person's name.
Besides basic information like name, address and telephone number, identity thieves look for social insurance numbers, driver's license numbers, credit card and/or bank account numbers, as well as bank cards, telephone calling cards, birth certificates or passports.
This information enables the identity thief to commit numerous forms of fraud:
- to go on spending sprees under the victim's name,
- to take over the victim's financial accounts,
- open new accounts,
- divert the victim's financial mail to the thief's address,
- apply for loans, credit cards,
- social benefits,
- rent apartments,
- establish services with utility companies, and more." Exact source unknown believed to be excerpted from an Ont Government bulletin.
FRAUD ALERTS: If your identity is stolen;
Request that the credit bureau attach a fraud alert to your file. A fraud alert is a red flag on your credit report which will identify you as a potential fraud victim to credit granters.
Immediately contact both credit bureaus using the numbers listed below.
Ask to speak to a "Fraud Alert Specialist" The specialist will immediately attach the fraud alert and
review your credit file with you on the telephone.
You may also attach a short statement to your file -- Your statement may say something like, My identification has been stolen. Contact me directly at this number before extending any credit.
Don't Let Identity Thieves Ruin Your Credit.
Monitoring your credit report for changes is one of the best ways to combat identity theft and ensure the accuracy of what's being reported about you.
Credit bureaus make it easy to monitor your credit report by automatically alerting you of certain key changes in your Credit Report such as when someone tries to open credit in your name so you can act before serious damage is done.
Don't Let Identity Thieves Ruin Your Credit.
Yes, identity theft can happen to you.
All the thieves need is your name, address, birth date and SIN to apply for credit cards or loans in your name, put a mortgage on your house or get any other documents with your name.
When this happens, your credit can be destroyed and it will take YEARS to repair it even though you did nothing wrong.
As always prevention is better than the cure.
If your house is burglarized or your wallet or purse is lost or stolen the vital ID documents could easily find their way into the hands of identity thieves.
Report the theft to the credit bureaus at once. They will put a warning watch on your file and any new credit enquiries or applications will be confirmed directly with you. It is not foolproof but it helps.
Notify the police, the financial institutions you deal with, and all creditors. Obtain a copy of your police report as this will help you show you are or may be a fraud victim.
Cancel all existing credit cards, accounts, passwords and PINs, and replace them with new ones.
Mail theft Thieves rummage through accessible mail boxes looking for utility bills, credit card or bank statements or any other mail which contains account numbers and similar information.
They also will go through your garbage so shred anything that has your name on it.
If you have a mail box hanging on the outside of your residence, replace it with a mail slot.
If the mail is delivered to common boxes, retrieve your mail promptly and do not ever throw unwanted mail in the trash containers in public areas. Shred it.
Leave your SIN card at home. You do not need it on a day to day basis and since you probably know your number you would never encounter a situation where you would require it on the spot.
BUY AND USE A SHREDDER. Thieves retrieve your garbage looking for bills, statements and other useful information.
Shredders are very inexpensive.
Shred all the paper you throw out, not just your important documents. This mixes up the bits of shredded important documents with tons of useless shredded junk mail, old papers, and other garbage. That makes it more trouble than it is worth for identity thieves.
Soak your shredded documents in lots of water before you put out the trash. That dissolves the paper bits and makes them impossible to put back together.
Equifax Canada Inc.
Consumer Relations Department
Box 190 Jean Talon Station
Montreal, Quebec H1S 2Z2
Tel: ( 514 ) 493-2314
1 800 465-7166
Fax: ( 514 ) 355-8502
Trans Union
Consumer Relations
709 Main Street W
Suite 3201
Hamilton, On L8S 1A2
Tel: 1 800 663 9980
Fax: ( 905 ) 527-0401
CanLaw Guide to the Law on Debt for the Layperson
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