LSO lies where it says there is no discipline complaint against David J McGhee That is a lie.
Neither the police nor the Crown Attorney seems to have prosecuted this crime. There is one law for lawyers, another for you
David J McGhee
"I confirm that on February 18, 1997 Mr. McGhee received a Reprimand in Committee and was ordered to pay costs of $2500 to the Law Society. Mr. McGhee complied with the Order."
Michael R. Elliott, B.A., LL.B.
Manager, Monitoring & Enforcement.
Law Society of Upper Canada.
P: (416) 947-3995. F: (416) 947-3365. melliott@LSO
CanLaw has a copy of David J McGhee's actual hand written and signed confession filed with the LSO by David J McGhee
McGhee pleaded guilty to filing false affidavits thereby admitting he lied to the courts. He got away with this in other files.
The Law Society of Ontario is staffed by people who could not get jobs at McDonald's.
Here is a snip of the actual LSO directory listing for this lawyer which has been posted for years on the LSO web site despite the fact that David J McGhee was disciplined for filing false affidavits by LSO .